Today's Report!

Levi is 8 months today.  This bundle of energy weighs in at 21 pounds, according to the bathroom scale.  He can crawl, is getting his top teeth, is showing more interest with solids, can nap longer, loves dogs and Cam, and is happy and chill (well...most of the time)!  Happy 8 months, baby boy!

Cam is such a swimmer!  When she lies on her tummy, her arms and legs go crazy!  I am waiting for the day that she learns to plant her hands to push up.  It won't be long!

Cam and Levi had their first try at sippy cups this weekend.  Cam of course guzzles the thing.  Levi is still in the observing stage but I am hoping he'll catch on soon.  They are also experimenting with "Mum-Mum's," which are baby teething biscuits.  They're known to be baby's "first snack" because of their taste and ingredients.  There's always a "first" or two happening around here! 

Speaking of firsts, it's the parents' first time to childproof!  I am sure there will be a whole chapter on this later.  But for now we are starting at outlet plugs!

For some reason, Levi is fascinated by this blasted Butt Paste tube!  He always seems to find it - even from across the room.  When I try to take it out of his hands he throws a baby tantrum!  Since that little stinker manages to crawl away every time I change him I can't keep it away!  Maybe it's time to try a different brand...

Yep!  I watch this while I work!

We started watching the Baby Einstein DVDs this week.  So far we have watched the Music Festival and the Discovering Water one.  They were given to us by Lindley's sister.  Cam and Levi find them very entertaining and (hopefully) educational.  Thank you Melissa!

And now for something completely different...

This afternoon I noticed something out of the ordinary - a mysterious surprise!  A toy rabbit was sitting on the rocking chair, holding an envelope with flower petals inside.  No one knows who "Peter Rabbit" is so it's kinda fun :) Could it be a neighbor or the famous rabbit himself?  I guess we will never know!


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