Ball Time and MORE!

So I am blogging a second time today.  Playtime this AM was fun, but the PM time was A BLAST!  Here are some photos of our ball time together...

Since Cam enjoyed Levi's ball so much last week, I decided to get her one of her own.  These things are awesome!  They are "sensory balls" at Buybuy Baby for only $4!  I highly recommend (and Cam does, too)!

I wanted to get a shot of both babies working on their hand-eye coordination.  Levi crawled away soon afterward.  He prefers to play independently and Cam would rather have the company - or at least audience!  This girl does NOT like to be alone!

This girl played so hard today.  She was well-rested from her late AM nap and definitely gave Levi a run for his money!

We grabbed a quick photo while Levi was off in Explorationland...

I love this photo because Cam smiled without any solicitation!  That's a great sign that she was having a BALL (ha ha...pun is sort of intended here...:)  The babies are sitting around the music table.  They enjoy watching the lights but haven't quite figured out the cause and effect with the buttons, keys, etc.

I got out Levi's leg warmers over the weekend.  They fit much tighter on him now.  It's a good way to protect his knees.  Both homes have hardwood floors so he better get used to it!  Bless him, he's already mastered "correct form."


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