Baby Bounce Class!

Today we took our first "field trip" to the Renner Library.  Every Tuesday they have a music and story class called "Baby Bounce."  I was rather surprised at myself for not only arriving on time, but early!  :)   Of course the entire morning's events were pre-meditated so that we'd all be rested and fed before the class.  Levi went down earlier than usual for his nap and they both ate their solids early.  The library was less than 10 minutes away and really easy to find.

Lindley made a great suggestion to carry Levi on one hip and bring Cameron in with her carrier.  It worked like a charm!  The library was small enough that I could manage carrying the load alone.  Today's class was held in the very back but it's usually in a room right by the front door.  But man - I wish that the doors could be pushed both ways.  The kids' ages ranged from what looked like 2 months - 2 years:  a great turn-out.  Although the  class lasted just 20 minutes, it was nice to get out of the house for a bit.  And, you can't beat free entertainment - right?  I expected it to be an old librarian reading a book to the crowd, but it was more than that. I think their favorite part was watching the teacher and older children.  That alone was well worth the money!

Our teacher was really sweet and genuine, and I could tell she loved babies and leading the group.  We sang A LOT with manipulative hand motions and small equipment.  There was even a "Ring Around The Rosie" activity at the end.  And, each week is a little different.

We sat on the front row as Cam absorbed everything around her.  She stared at the teacher the entire time.  This was the look she had for the full 20 minutes - forgetting to blink.

Before the class began we were handed shakers and scarves.  It took a microsecond to hit Levi's mouth.  He's also eyeing an older girl in the other section.  I tell you what, the boy LOVES older women!

Levi really wanted to crawl around during class but I managed to hold him back.  Afterward I just let him go - he had waited long enough!  Here he is after crawling to the bucket of goodies.     

Afterwards we hung out for a bit.  Levi discovered Cam's car seat toy, aggressively tugging and pulling while I snapped away.  As always Levi remained focused and Cam is amused.

Levi's got the "cow version" of this same toy on his car seat.  So he knew exactly what to do!

Next week I am bringing Levi in with his stroller.  This way Cam can have a turn outside the carrier.  She liked to hang out there but she needs to get out and about too!

We had a wonderful time and can't wait until next week!


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