New toys and feeding stuff!

Levi and Cam had a great time today!  One of Lindley's co-workers gave us this really cool toy - a LeapFrog Music Table.  It lights up and makes fun noises - a must-have for little ones!  Levi loves to bounce to the music.  It's the CUTEST thing!  He showed a little interest in it, and over time I know he'll catch on more.  Cam got to check it out, too.

Levi has some pretty quick movements to avoid his baby food.  So I bought him a Space-saver high chair.  It's the same kind we have at home so I am hoping it'll help him learn that this is the "spot to eat."  He did pretty well today.  I have him watch Cameron eat so he learns from the best.  :)  I can't find a flavor that he absolutely loves.  Right now he's working on Gerber fruit.  Any ideas?

As I mentioned earlier, Cam is the EXPERT eater.  And I mean she can EAT!  After waking her up from a 2.5 hour nap (Yep - you read that right)!  She was due for her barley cereal and noon bottle.  She sits in a high chair called "Inglesina."  It's so handy!  Her nap worked up quite the appetite!  I'm pretty sure this is her favorite part of the day. :)  


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