The Latest

It's been awhile since I've given a playtime/mobility report, so here is what's happening today:

Cam is getting really good at rocking on all 4's!  She can scoot backwards now.  She's also inching her knees forward.  And, mostly prefers to roll around and just "hang out" on the floor.  From a seated position she leans all the way forward until her nose touches the ground - then goes from her tummy and pushes to all 4's.  Bless her heart - she gets so frustrated that she can't move forward as easily as she would like.  But, she'll be crawling any day now!

Baby girl has cut her bottom two teeth!  I took attempts at a close-up shot.  I'm still not savvy on the camera features.  But you can see her pearly whites here:

Cam still loves her Jumperoo and Exersaucer.  We got our money's worth!

Little man has found more mischief.  Indeed, he's getting into everything.  He's discovered how to crawl under things, as seen here:

His favorite cruising place is the hearth.  He goes to town with his "Da-Da-Doos" as he  moves across. Levi's word for dog is "deeith."  He says it over and over around Nixie and our dog Skye.

Taking this photo does not qualify me as "Mom of the Year" but I couldn't resist.  The look of pride is priceless.  And no, I didn't just put him there.  He climbed all the way up (was fast, too), and wanted to do it again!

This is the new toy I brought over for the babies.  It makes a cute lion "roar" when you touch his nose (the toy, not Levi).  Get it?  "Not Levi" because he has a tiger on his onesie?  I know - I am quite the comedienne!  When I took this photo he was SO pooped from all that crawling, cruising, and climbing.  This was seconds before the "I'm tired" cry erupted.

Sweet baby is all tuckered out!  This is his latest sleeping position.  Such a doll!


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