Morning Coffee Trip!

After a busy day yesterday and Mr. Man getting up at 5:30 this AM, I just had to run to Starbuck's.  When Levi and I arrived to Cam's house at 7:30, Lindley met us outside and put Cam in the car.  We drove down the street to the nearest one.  I enjoyed a tasty treat (arguably the most fattening thing EVER), while the two hung out in the stroller. 
As you can see, Cam does NOT need her coffee this morning...

...But this one has a different story!

I get the question A LOT:  "Are they twins?"  Every single person I talked to at Starbuck's asked me.  I mentioned in an earlier blog that for the sake of time, I sometimes just say "yes" with a smile and go about my merry way.  But this morning was casual and slow, so I gave each one the correct explanation.  Here's how the conversation always goes:

Stranger:  "Are they twins?"
Me:  "No, but they are very close in age."
Stranger gives me a very puzzling look
Stranger:  "How old are they?"
Me:  "Well, they are just two months apart.  One is almost 11 months and the other almost 9."
Another puzzling look
Me:  Pointing to Levi "This one is mine, and I take care of her during the day."
Stranger gives me the Ah-HA! look, and gives the babies a half-smile...
Stranger:  "Oooo...ok"
And then the stranger usually follows with a series of questions or comments.

Perhaps I should change up my dialogue...maybe add a little humor...?  How about "yes, it's [the age difference] possible!"  And see what kind of response I get, LOL.  Any other ideas?

Since Starbuck's is just down the street, next time we'll just walk there.  Why didn't I think of that before?


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