
I realized that there aren't any photos of the adults in the blog.  So yesterday morning we decided to do a little "photo shoot."  It required a little planning.  Thursdays are Brian's early days so I arrive to relieve Lindley.  Usually I see Brian in the mornings but Thursdays is the exception. Of course we needed both babies to be awake in the morning for the photo shoot.  But sure enough Cam woke up at 5AM so Lindley texted me to say that she'd already be done for her morning nap when Levi and I arrive.  But, Baby Girl wanted to join the party so she actually woke up just in time!

Here are some photos from the day:

Thank goodness that Levi has never seemed to mind his car seat.  He's at the age where he sleeps only a little bit in the car.  This particular day he talked most of the way to see Cam.  It's such a wonderful start to the day to hear him laughing and squealing at himself in the backseat.  Love this Little Man!

Today involved a stop at Starbuck's to stall my arrival in hopes for Cam to wake up.

I got him all dressed up in his fancy tie, jeans and shoes today!  I love this beautiful Dallas neighborhood.  It got up to 80 degrees today!

Cam wore her dress for the fun occasion.  Mom and Baby look great! :)

"Party pic" of the moms!

Levi began his "morning workout" on the floor.  He managed to escape the rug with his backward scooting.  He really goes to town sometimes!  It's always fun at first and after a few moments he's realized how hard he's worked!  He's shown here rounding around the end table in the living room.

Still going...

And...done!  (He ended up in a different room here)!

Cam has gotton much stronger with sitting up.  She can do it with little assistance now.  The nursing pillow seems to help.  I love her expression "I can do it, Juli!"  Nixie stands guard as always.  :)

Cam is getting really good at rolling over now!

Learning to share.

Cam is happy to see her daddy!

Another end to a fun day!


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