Where was this stuff when we were babies?
Brian and Lindley gave me 3 months to prepare for the new job. A part of the preparation was collecting enough "gear" for two babies. Lindley and I worked together to buy a rocker on Craiglist, a play mat from Once Upon a Child, an exersaucer from Just Between Friends, and a double stroller from a friend. Added into the mix were some of Levi's stuff that I brought over. Lindley said it best: "it looks like Babies R Us threw up in our living room!"
First Day Photos
This play mat is set up in Cam's nursery. They can work on tummy time and dexterity. Plus it's a great way to manage diaper changing time! :) Levi has figured out how to use both hands at the same time. This play mat plays Mozart and has a "cause and effect" feature when using hands and feet (they haven't figured this part out yet).
Nixie is the Herrings' first child. She always wants to join in on the fun! I love how she feels the need to "stand guard" and protect the little ones. Poor thing gets nervous for them when they get fussy. She just wants to make sure everyone is ok!
"What is going on here?!"
Play mat #2, in the living room. Cameron's had this since Day 1. She's starting to enjoy this more, studying the flashing lights and batting at the hanging toys. She's rolled all the way over to her side, so she'll be rolling to her tummy VERY soon!
Levi has the same mat at home so they get to share. :)
These two are just hanging out! Cameron is checking out the rocker. It's much like the bouncy seat that she uses a lot. The babies can also use this when they're older as a rocking chair. The toys overhead can be removed and the chair vibrates. Levi's in the portable swing, which is a GOD-SEND! It was given to us from a friend and I've probably used it 1000 times. He's about to outgrow it though. Recently he's been sitting up like that, causing it to stop swinging.
"Who's that cutie?"
Good-bye Kiss.
Day 2 = CRIB DAY
Mom and Dad's goal was to get Cameron to nap in her crib by January. She loves her swing just like Levi! Lindley started to wean her off the swing at around the same time I weaned off Levi. So we traded tips and suggestions. Although Cam was starting to nap in her crib, it wasn't very consistent. So I was determined to work with her today. Poor thing was so so patient with me. It took me an hour to get her to fall asleep and stay asleep for her morning nap. But we did it! And the other two naps that day went much better. I wanted to take a photo but didn't dare the risk of waking her up. :) Final score: Crib 3, Swing 0!
Later that week I wrote Lindley instructions on how we did it:
1. lay the swaddle blanket down on the floor and swaddle her there. It helps me to get it REALLY tight from there. Cam seems to enjoy it, maybe she thinks I'm rough-housing...who knows. ;) Have it ready before y'all go in there for nap time
2. rock and sing to her in her room. But before any of that (even before the swaddle), turn off the lights and turn on the whale. Then swaddle her and rock and/or walk and bounce. If she's fussy after the swaddle, I usually do the walk and bounce with the paci in her room. If she's fine, then I'll start with the rocking and paci. I always sing Brahm's lullaby to her and hold her real close, on her side like a baby.
3. If she's still sucking, but has her eyes closed for awhile, I'll start to get up and move toward the crib. I want to teach her early that it's ok to suck and fall asleep on her own. After I lay her down in the crib (this process takes about 5 min because I move REALLY slow), I hover over her and help keep the paci in her mouth. I don't stop singing and hover over her for another 3-4 minutes.
4. Sneak out!!
5. If she wakes up to cry after 10-15 min of sneaking out, I return to her after 5-10 minutes. But I don't pick her up immediately. I put the paci back in her mouth so she learns that crying doesn't equate to being picked up. I'll try this for a few minutes then pick her up if she's still fussy. Then I try the whole process over until I can get her to sleep in the crib. This has taken up to an hour a couple of times.
Fun in the Exersaucer!
Like I said earlier, the Exersaucer was purchased at a Just Between Friends sale. Can you believe these things retail for like $130?! This one is apparently "top-of-the-line" and I was lucky to find this used one for $60. Split two ways is definitely worth it!
Levi was able to use this for a couple of months before we brought it over to the Herring's house. He loves every toy on it except...
...That green parrot!
The parrot with the yellow horn really makes him mad! He grabs it with both hands and just YELLS! I have to take it off and encourage him to move on to other toys. Bless his heart! I noticed that he's gotten frustrated with other toys involving the color yellow. I found a color psychology article online with this:
“Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. While it is considered an optimist color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused. Yellow enhances concentration, hence its use for legal pads. It also speeds up metabolism.” – http://www.infoplease.com/spot/colors1.html
I'm so proud of Cameron for trying out the Exersaucer! She'll be 4 months next week but can already reach the bottom with her feet. She'll be yelling at the parrots in no time! :)
Tummy Time!
Cameron is getting stronger!
Levi watching me wash bottles while Cam naps
Cam and Levi both LOVE their Bumbo chairs. Lindley had an extra one for Levi so they have designated colors. :)
Staring Contest Perhaps?!
How cute is she?
On Friday I found a note from Lindley suggesting that I make myself a sandwich for lunch. Since the babies were both up and active, I thought it would be a good idea to make an early lunch. I got out all the ingredients and described each item, dictating everything to Cam and Levi. Their little brains soak up everything like a sponge so it's important that I talk, talk, talk to them! I think they enjoyed the show and hopefully learned something along the way. Not a bad photo op, either. :)
Thank you Brian & Lindley for the yummy breakfast and lunch foods each day!
Each day I try to take the babies for a neighborhood stroll. The weather was gorgeous all week and the walks are definitely a highlight! I might get to my pre-baby weight faster than I thought! :) The stroller works great. It has an option to move the seats so the babies are looking at each other, which is super cute! And, it's another great opportunity to build some verbal skills. We love our walks!
Wreck and/or Gig 'Em?!
Well, I work for die-hard Tech fans. Brian thought it would be funny to give me their house key with the TTU logo. I guess I can tolerate it. After all, I went to Tech as a freshman and my parents are alumni. I foresee more Tech/Aggie jokes in my future. :)
Even a former Aggie can put an outfit like this together. :)
More fun photos
More Cam & Levi bonding time
Levi is sitting up like a Big Boy. I found him hunched over asleep after putting Cam down for a nap. Should have taken an "after" photo!
More guarding
Love is in the air!
Around the House...
My favorite thing about the Herring House is the front porch. I love their rocking chairs! It's a perfect place for Cam, Levi, and I to hang out. One baby swings in the portable swing and I rock the other. Then the babies switch. When I am feeding Cam, Levi watches the cars go by and the squirrels play. It really is the perfect moment. I am learning to love the little things!
The Herrings bought this house the same month that Neal and I bought ours. It's so clean and organized. Just another reason why I am SO lucky to work for them! :)
My sister recommended that I use this book when I start teaching sign. Looking forward to this new venture!
On Friday Brian took Nixie to the vet. On his way home he stopped at Starbuck's and came back to give me this. It was the PERFECT thing after having to wake up with Levi four times that morning. Thank you Brian!